We pray for many other missionaries and organizations which we are not able to support at this time.  Our goal is to reach as many people as possible with the Gospel of Christ and to train them in the 
knowledge of God's Word. (Two Missionaries not mentioned for safety & security measures).

If you would like information on any of our missionaries, 
please feel free to contact us.

E Mail 
The Thompsons
The Ketchams,
The Mumleys
CCC Org.
The Conrads
BMW Org.
Tony Rizzo
Youth in Action
BGCHM Southeast Asia
Moldova Ministry (AMG)
           Sent, Inc.
Click on a picture to enlarge
Missionaries we help to support
Athletes in Action
                             Missions to Military
Kent and Janet Robacker
The Hensel's
The Aherns
Church Planters
The Shogrens
World Venture
The Ivey's
​The Welch Family
Fellowship Int'l Missions
Child Evangelism Fellowship
The Staley's
The Braun.s
Tamir & Hadas Kugman
Jews for Jesus